Released in 2010
Running time : 90′
Produced by K’ien Productions
With the participation of France Télévisions, France 2, CNC, TV5
With the support of Région Midi-Pyrénées
Directed by Ivan Calberac
Written by Jean-Luc Goossens
Based on Marie-Aude Murail’s novel “Simple“
Bastien Bouillon (Simple), Julien Drion (Kléber), Michel Aumont (M. Villedieu), Valentine Catzeflis (Aria), Esteban Carvajal-Alegria (Corentin), Jérémie Elkaim (Emmanuel), Shemss Audat (Zahra), François Civil (Enzo), Morgane Cabot (Béa).
Simple is a funny and moving story about accepting differences. Simple is 22 years old but has a mental age of three. His brother Kléber is in senior year and decides not to place his brother in the Malicroix clinic. Kléber found a joint tenancy nearby his school that the two brothers share with three boys and a girl. How to combine Kléber’s studies with Simple comfort while he does unexpected things, he is redoubtably honest and doesn’t understand where the limits end? Simple moves people and puts harmony around him. He brought together generations by creating a dialogue with an old neighbor allergic to youth, he saw clear into the heart of lovers… But Simple also irritates and keeps doing silly things. What to do with Simple?