K’IEN is the first of the 64 hexagrammes that compose the Yi-King, the oldest founding Chinese book.
K’IEN is the one who initiates, who creates. He is favored by fate, success is coming from persevering.
Since it’s beginning, K’IEN persevere fiercely on its freedom of creativity, indeed, it helps putting the light on young talents.
Creativity, emotion, discovering and exigency are what motivate K’IEN since 30 years.
Made by its success but also by its mistakes, K’IEN has a strong DNA which it would never renounce to.
Each movie produced by K’IEN has the ambition to be different by offering to the spectator a little extra of soul.
Writers as film directors can rely on undeniable strength of David Kodsi and its team,
who are leading to an end the projects, no matter what difficulties.

Web documentaire « Les resistances »

Michael Kohlhaas directed by Arnaud des Pallières

« The destiny of Halles » directed by Vladimir Vasak

« Gordji’s Affair » directed by Guillaume Nicloux

« Secularism Inch’Allah »

« The wings of Johnny May » directed by Marc Fafard

« Strictly Platonic » directed by Michel Catz

« Azad » directed by Nicolas Tackian

« Comrades »

« For God Sake »

French Television Producer Award 2004

End of the Expand Adventure

Kien creates its film distribution service

« The Heir »

« The Heart of the Law » directed by Denis Malleval

« Unexpected Father » starring Yves Renier

Patrice Poiré Death

« Atmosphere face » directed by Olivier Péray

« Children of the wrecker » directed by Jérôme Foulon

«Precheur en eau trouble» directed by Georges Lautner

Adamo – It’s my life

Fun Génération (former name 4th sensation)

Ets M. Collet & Sons

From Shangai to Beijin

The Proust madeleine

Students insurance of Provence

Eggs of Mas d’Auge

T’as le bonjour d’Alfred

Patrice Poiré and David Kodsi launched Kien Productions
The beginning