Gordji’s case
Released in 2010
Running time : 90′
Produced by KIEN Productions
Directed by Guillaume Nicloux
Writtend by Marc Syrigas
Michel Duchaussoy (François Mitterrand), Thierry Lhermitte (Jacques Chirac), Éric Elmosnino (Juge Boulouque) Malik Zidi (Luc Delair), André Marcon (Charles Pasqua), Jacques Spiesser (Edouard Balladur), Michel Houellebecq (Bernard Gillard)

September 1986, Rue de Rennes, in the heart of Paris, a bomb explodes. It is the most fatal attack in the series of bombings that have aiming France for over a year. The Home Department and the French Counter Intelligence are in desperate strays : nothing leads to the organizers of the crime. They will need the intuition of a young secret service officer to uncover the network. However, once the terrorist commando is dismantled and placed before the judge Bouloque, the affair takes a radical political turn…Behind the attacks, one country Iran, which also holds the key to the liberation of French hostages in Lebanon…
At the head of state, François Mitterand and Jacques Chirac fight a latent war, where each one tries to politically discredit the other. This cohabitation, a few months away from the presidential election, will turn the terrorist affair into a major electoral stake.