Berthe Morisot
Released in 2012
Running time : 94′
Coproduced with May be Movies
Broadcasted by France 3
Distributed by France Télévisions Distribution (DVD)
Directed by Caroline Champetier
Written by Sylvie Meyer et Philippe Lasry
Based on the Beth Archer Brombert‘s novel « Manet, un rebelle en redingote »
Marine Delterme (Berthe Morisot), Malik Zidi (Manet), Alice Butaud (Edma) et Bérengère Bonvoisin (Cornélie).

1865. Berthe Morisot, 25, wants to live of her painting. She dreams of living with her sister and never get married. But their parents have already chose a fate which complies with their wishes. Berthe rebels. She meet Manet, and everything changes. Her thoughts, her sister’s relationship, her vision of the painting and the world are upseted. The destiny of a woman who will become the first professional painter, and the first impressionist.
Prize and festivals
Nominated for the Best Fiction at La Rochelle Fiction’s Festival – 2012