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The heart of the law

The heart of the law

Released in 1998

Running Time : 6 x 52’

Co-produced with France 2
With the support of the CNC and the Procirep

Directed by Denis Malleval

Elizabeth Bourgine, Roger Mirmont, Marco Bisson, Bertrand Lacy, Jean Rouille, Sylvie Audcoeur, Thierry Ashanti, Fred Bianconi, Gilles Detroit, Elisa Tovati, Ludwig Loison-Robert


The stormy life of a police officer’s couple, she is the chief of an organized crime division while he is a Captain at a quiet police station. 

Episode 1: End of custody

Written by Eric Assous
Adaptation and dialogues by Eric Assous and Dominique Golfier

Monnard goes out of jail. He is afraid of reprisals: he has received death threats and suspects Aldo Costa, a drug dealer. Béatrice, chief of the Organized Crime Division, would like to arrest him. Philippe, her boyfriend, working at a quiet police station, works at young deliquents rehabilitation: he has to find a job to a car robber.  

Episode 2: Thieves

Screenplay and Adaptation by Daniel Riche
Dialogues by Eric Assous, Paul Berthier, Daniel Riche

For the fourth time, the Amazones gang robbed a bank. But today, someone died. The case is entrusted to Béatrice. Philippe has to settle a commun case at first sight: gunshots at an alone man’s appartment.

Episode 3: Exchange of Prisonners

Screenplay and Adaptation by Clément Delage
Dialogues by Clément Delage and Paul Berthier

Béatrice is in charge of handling the transfer of an imprisoned between jail and court. Nadia is kidnapped by the prisoner’s henchmen to be swapped against him. A young funambulist woman shoes her talent in a mall to divert attention from a robbery. Utterly affected by drugs she will have the complete attention of Philippe.    

Episode 4: Cleaners

Screenplay and Adaptation by Daniel Riche
Dialogues by Daniel Riche, Paul Berthier and Eric Assous.

A murder has been committed. The BCI division suspects at first two rival gangs, the Sing-Ming and the Maupéou, that destroy one another for controlling racket, prostitution and robbery. Finally, they will discover that the murderer is Le Breton, one of the team’s best men and friend of Béatrice. His mobile: to take revenge for his wife murder.Philippe is facing the accusation of a young teenager for strangling his mother. After a delicate investigation, he discovers that the mother died from an epilepsy crisis.
Léo is the victim of an odious racket.

Episode 5 : Against Everyone

Screenplay and Adaptation by Clément Delage
Dialogues by Clément Delage, Paul Berthier and Eric Assous

A third bomb blew up at Omnutrition, a factory specialized in fertilizer and pesticides. A green association is suspected, Green Planet. Béatrice will find out Omnutrition manufactures chemical products contained in weapons. Alcade will be kidnapped and will be exchanged against Turot, whom Bétrice has put in holding and who is part of this dangerous organization. Philippe will settle a strange car crash. Léo was supposed to join his father but the latter cancelled.  

Episode 6: The Sentence

An original idea by Eric Assous
Screenplay by Clément Delage
Dialogues by Eric Assous and Clement Delage

The Judge who sent Marc Bonnaud in jail for 15 years is found dead. Marc Bonnaud’s brother is suspected. Béatrice will find out that the Judge assistant was his mistress and that she killed him before he leaves her. Philippe receives Laure Nogaro visit, a lovely journalist who wants to investigate on local police stations.         

