Released in 1999
Running Time : 90’
Co-produced by France 2, RTBF, K2, RAI Cinema Fiction and VS Films Production
With the support of the CNC, the Procirep, the Cinema and Audiovisual French and Blegium Community Center and of the Télédistributeurs Wallons
Directed by Alain Nahum
Written by DanièleThompson and Olivier Dutaillis
Michèle Morgan (Judith), Giorgio Albertazzi (Gabriel)

For years, Judith expected Gabriel to retire. He finally does. A party is thrown but while dancing in front of amazed guests Gabriel has a heart attack. He rapidly gets better. But his behavior is getting strange. He often goes away without a word. Judith soon discovers that he isolates himself to prey. Since he had a brush with death he suffers a mystic crisis. Rapidly it is getting bigger: he wants to leave his wife to take holy orders. Judith is utterly atheist. For her religion is something unknown that became a challenger. She is going to fight back for Gabriel. They will be forced to look to the very end of their selves to see if a life together still makes sense.