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Don’t move !

Pas bouger !

Released in 2004

Running Time : 12′

Produced by Link’s Productions
With the participation of France 2
With the support of Poitou-Charentes region and the General Counsel Charentes

Directed by Xavier Daugreilh
Written by Suzanne Legrand and Xavier Daugreilh

Distributed by France 2

Pierre-Alexis Fondanèche (Mathieu), Laetitia Colombani (The mother), Patrick Guérineau (The father)


Mathieu, ten years old, lives with his parents. Until then everything is going just fine… except some grades that sometimes interfere with the happiness. One day, his parents offer him a dog: Jules. It is the start of an unfair competition according to Mathieu: Dogs don’t go to school.
