Children of the wrecker
Released in 992
Running Time : 99’
Co-produced with Canal +, Gaumont Productions, C.G.G.C, Sofica Investimage 3
With the support of Procirep and of the Conseil Général des Côtes d’Armor
Distributed by Gaumont International
Directed by Jérôme Foulon
Written by Jérôme Foulon, François Celier et Laurent Dussaux
Jean Marais, Brigitte Fossey, Jacques Dufilho, Michel Robin, Jenny Cleves

On an island in Brittany, eight children enjoy listening Martha’s stories, an old lady who tells them again and again the story of Marc-Antoine the “wrecker”. This local hero was her first love; he distinguished himself during World War II by lighting fake beacons in order to crash German boats on the rocks around the island. The brave young man once disappeared without a trace. On a storm night, a boat wrecked close to the island and Martha is found dead. The orphans decide to stick together and investigate.
- Public Prize at the Cannes Film Festival 1992– Junior Section
- Best Motion Picture at the 1992 Kinder’s Films Festival (Germany)
- Best Motion Picture at the 1993 Buff Festival (Switzerland)
- Prize of the Festival at the 1993 Wurzburg Festival (Germany)
- Best Motion Picture at the 1993 Zlin Festival (Republique Tcheque)